March 15, 2007
The Arabic Way

Both teams worked really hard to get in the best shape. The day the race started both teams were in similar condition.
The Japanese won by 1 mile.

The mood in the Arabian team was really close to freeze point. The top management decided to win the race next year. So they established a team of analysts to observe the situation and recommend an appropriate solution.

After several detailed analysis, the team found out that the Japanese had 7 rowers and only 1 captain.
Of course the Arabian team had 7 captains but only one rower.

Facing such critical scenario the management showed an unexpected wisdom: they hired a consulting company to restructure the Arabian team.

After several months the consultants came up with the conclusion that there were too many captains and too few rowers in the Arabian team. A solution was proposed based on the analysis: the structure of the Arabian team has to be changed!!

As of today, there will be 4 captains in the team led by 2 managers, one top-manager, and one rower. Besides that, they suggested to improve the rowers working environment, and to give him higher competencies.

The next year the Japanese won by two miles!

The Arabian team quickly displaced the rower based on his unsatisfactory performance.

The Bonus award was paid to the management for the strong motivation the team showed during the preparation phase.
The consulting company prepared a new analysis, which showed that the strategy was good, the motivation was o.k, But the used tools has to be improved.
*Currently the Arabian team is designing a new boat.
lol i saw that attending a workshop on japanese managment taught by a japanese prof. he showed it to us as a joke n to tell us what the difference between the arab and the japanese way of managment ;p
my god..Brillant I tell ya..genuis a say..A perfect insight to the arabs..No wonder half of us are third world countires and contribute nothing in the areas of the sciences:P
lol, very true!
turns out captains were hired by was6a 2 managers brought by members of parliament top manager friend of wazir.. and the rower poor bangladishi bought by tijar iqama! and the consulting company.. well owned by the wazir himself so is the contract to build the new boat!
Absulutely brilliant, and unfortunately very true phenomenon!!
LOL! 3ajebah el story; it really resembles the current situation!
Reminds me of the old joke about consultants:
What's a consultant?
A guy who borrows your watch to tell you what time it is!
lol funny and saddly true.
very true
arabs never ever learn .. and they never focus on the real problem .. dayman intebahum o tarkezhum eyro7 lil thanaweyat
nice post
sounds like a very smart man that jap. prof
yep it is NO wonder and NO mystery.
no my dear it is not a mystery, its simple, but arabs refuse to solve it
yes it is
and dosent look like well ever learn!
bu ziyad
loool! so very true of the way things work!
key word : unfortunatly
i agree, 7dha 3ajeeba
looool loved the joke
salamtich min el sighhhh
sad it is
and lets not forget alway blaming someone else!
loooooooooool hahahahaha! 3jeeba!
strikingly true! mashallah very brilliant! funny.. yeah sadly arabs :( fashla ;)
great job!
eee, i have this powerpoint :D
that hurts :)
too much truth sweetheart
that was a really good one!! got me smiling on a really lousy day.
actually, this appears to be the phenomenon everywhere. its no different where i'm from.
whenever a company is not doing well, the solution is to axe workers - not look into the product / service they're selling.
so, i doubt the arabs can claim full "credit" for this. ;)
Thats true in so many different i find it hard to laugh at =(
Someone sent me that as a slideshow a few months ago. I LOVED IT lol
totally and utterly true :s *hefff*
loool .. that`s hurts .. but it is funny because it is the truth ;)
if i said eno i quite didn't get it :S
what would that make me ??
i know eno its funny but i didn't get it
efff ya shiin altna7a bss looool
btw i didn't say ya5y :P
so ya5y :P loooooooooooool
LOL OMG! SOoo TRUE!! Widik tefla3hum o et3adel tafkeerhuM! :P
Looooooooooooooool so true and funny 7ada e3jebatny el 7araka :)
unfortunately it's true
its so true that it's not even funny! Typical Arabic team
The arab team was so sexist!...7 men..what happened to the women? Im sure if we had some diversity in there, we would have performed much better!
It's bureaucracy at its worse. We in the arab world are suffering from it every where.
Of course there is nothing that can be done about it as long as the top leader is always at the top until death.
Some team work :P
The story has a deep meaning. To say the truth it is sad and funny at the same time ;P
PFG ! PFG ! 10 outa 10.. I hope times will change !
ee wallah Fashlaa ;S
hopefully itll change soon
7elwa sa7
white wings
i know its bad
the premster
glad to make u smile :)
and ur rite it dosent just apply to arabs
shar elbaliyah ma yoth7ik
heffffs with u
red lady
ba3ain afahmich baine oo bainich ;)
perfect stranger
chanzain eltefel3 ynfa3!
glad u liked it
baby sistaaaaaaaa
ha shloon el6ubakh?
ya hala o ghala ;)
ee wallah, we need more brains like urs
shhhhhhhhhh we dint talk about leaders remember!
"e7na bn7eb elrayeeees!"
its SO sad, thats why u laugh
Happy wolf
hope so too!!
It also shows that there is a lot of corruption. Very smart cartoon!
loool that is SO true!
Thats so FALSE!
Just wanted to change lol:p
May God help the arabs.
lol that's awesome! :P
I was pretty busy with school/moving/other silly tasks so i'm glad i'm back in the sphere eheh
ذكرتيني ببوست لي سابق
my god thats sooooo TRUE!!!
and then managements complain that the workers aren't competent!!!
loved ur post, wala youre an amazing deal :)
xlant post
typicl situation with arabs
And they will never change!
Don't you just loooove the japanese?
LoL 'ts 'ts
girl! how have u been?!!
change is always good
arabs are not poor! just lacking in brain cells ;)
im glad ur back too :)
i loved ur post!
<--- blushes
thanks ;**
glad u liked it
ms loala
i do! tiny n smart!
LOL my god that was hilarius and timed just perfect b4 a meeting with management, the many layers of them off course
tell me how it goes :)
I wonder what would happen when they get a skiing team. :P
pretty much the same thing i assume
Hilarious but true LOL
All arabs want to be rulers no one would accept anything below...they just don't get it, the way to the top is starting from the bottom.
radiant guy
with arabs its either ur born on top
or u know someone that knows someone that gets u to the top
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